Wandering Hartz August Update – Where are we?

Hello Friends, we thought it was about time to give another update on what we’ve been up to.

Where are we? 

In this current crazy world situation we find ourselves in, we keep getting asked where the heck are you guys? Well, we are currently in western Wisconsin. We have been here for the past several weeks now. Prior to this we were hunkered down at our home base in Washington State for several months since moving there last October.

Once we felt it safe enough to travel, we made the break to visit family and friends in Minnesota and Wisconsin for the summer.

What have we been up to? 

Oh my, well we have have been blessed with some truly amazing weather in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Except for two nasty storms that brought winds and even a tornado warning! Stay tuned for a post and video about that.

Since in Wisconsin we have been trying to make time to do a bit of exploring. We have made a few road trips across the state of Wisconsin and day trips along eastern Minnesota.

We have also been working on projects like this website wanderinghartz.com and our update video below.

While settled in we have been diligently working; editing and writing about some of our past adventures like:

There is even more to come, including our current adventures soon. You may have seen us post on our socials about some of these and if you haven’t followed along yet, please do!

Additionally we are also working on series of post and videos about our journey embracing minimalism, working remotely, and transitioning to a more nomadic lifestyle. So stay tuned for those updates as well.

What are our current travel plans? 

Honestly, like everyone else in the world right now it has been all up in the air. We have been scouring the news and travel sites for any information we can use to plan our next trip. It has been pretty much week by week and quite frustrating for our lifestyle. We sold it all to travel, explore, meet new people and experiences and then… Covid.

None the less we would love to visit Colorado and Nashville on our way back to Washington at the end of summer. We are on the look out for opportunities like good travel deals especially to warm places! So for now we are crossing fingers and playing by ear for now as it all depends on work and covid.

Stay tuned for more updates soon and you can get a glimpse of what we have been working on below.

Joel & Michelle